November Flies...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

At least it has this month. I've been so busy living life that I've forgotten to slow down and reflect on it a bit. What have I done this past month? Well...

I got a raise! That would definitely be my number one excitement. I know I deserved it and it made me feel much happier about working where I do (not that I have too much room to complain- it's a pretty great place!)

I've been busy doing nothing too exciting, I suppose. Working out, staying gets dark at 4:30pm! I HATE that! Summer please come back!

The leaves in the park are beautiful and I've been trying to spend time outside before the cold completely overtakes the city. I can't believe how time has flied this fall. Christmas is just a short month away! I haven't been to California in a year. I can't even believe that. Next year I'm definitely going back home as often as I can. A year is too long!

Tomorrow afternoon I leave for Washington DC to spend Thanksgiving with my extended family who I haven't seen in a while. I look forward to leaving the city, though I must admit I'm worried sick about leaving little Sasha all by herself for three days. I know she'll be ok, but it's my first time away from her! Oh, what a mother goes through.... (yes, I know, I'm a crazy cat lady!)

Well that's all for now. Hope all of you are doing well, and Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So I don't feel like writing an entire post this morning. BUT I am very proud of my costume. I was Christina Aguilera (my idol) from burlesque on Friday and Saturday (whore outfit excluded!) and Lady Gaga on Monday. It took me an hour and forty-five minutes to do the make up and even though it didn't come out as well as I hoped, I'm pretty happy with the results. Check it out!

I was walking to the subway on the Upper West Side yesterday morning and I made a total of 2 children cry. I'll admit this was somewhat satisfying. I also got a lot of stares, which was semi-uncomfortable.